Continued Professional Development
CPD may be defined as learning activities, which update existing skills. It is a requirement of the consultant contract.
Collecting and recording of CPD activity has formed part of the appraisal system, but is now an integral part of so-called "Strengthened Medical Appraisal". A reflective approach is encouraged. Each employer has an individual approach to the details, but evidence of satisfactory completion of annual appraisals, including CPD, is central to the GMC process of revalidation.
CPD activity will need to be documented as part of your appraisal. It is good practice to maintian a portfolio of certificates for CPD in anticipation of this.
For further information on NHS Apraisals and CPD Click here
An individual doctor is responsible for collecting his or her supporting information, although trusts must make some of the data available, in particular clinical outcome data. 360° assessments are also required and your trust should provide a facility for you to participate in this process.
For further information Click here
Application for SBNS CPD Approval
Application for SBNS CPD Approval
The Society of British Neurological Surgeons will recognise courses and scientific meetings that meet the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges CPD Standards.
If you wish to apply for SBNS approval please download and complete the application form below:

When completing please refer to the guidance ‘Standards and Criteria for CPD Activities – A Framework for Accreditation’ and return to Suzanne Murray at the SBNS office [email protected] providing evidence to support your answers where applicable. Please apply 4-6 weeks prior to the event.