Bursaries for Trainees from outside the EU
The SBNS will provide approximately 5 bursaries a year, each worth £2,000 to help trainee neurosurgeons from outside the European Community visit British Neurosurgical Departments as observers for a minimum of four to six weeks. Further bursaries may be awarded but will be considered on a case by case basis.
This will be limited to a maximum of one bursary per year from any neurosurgical unit.
Bursary applications will now be reviewed twice a year. The deadline for applications will be 28th February and 31st August. Applications can be submitted at any time but will be held until the next review.
Trainee neurosurgeons who would like to apply for one of these bursaries should apply in writing to: Carole Turner, SBNS Research Development & Clinical Trials Manager [email protected]. This bursary is not open to consultants.
Applications will need to be accompanied by a cv and two references:
- From the head of the department in the non-EU country where the trainee is training recommending that he come to the UK as an observer and confirming that he has good spoken English
- From a consultant neurosurgeon in the UK department which the applicant would like to attend as an observer. The latter reference must also include an undertaking by the UK consultant to be responsible for the trainee whilst in the UK and to provide the necessary letter of invitation for obtaining a visa
The applicants first need to arrange an observership with a UK consultant which will include accommodation etc., they may have to pay for themselves depending on local circumstances. It would be up to the UK consultant to agree the observer ship with his/her Trust. Once this has been set up then the SBNS can consider contributing £2,000 to the costs, which can be put towards travel, accommodation, living expenses etc.
After completing the visit the consultant responsible for the trainee whilst in the UK and the trainee themselves should complete the Report Form together, outlining what he/she has gained from the visit and submit it to the SBNS Office.
Amr Nabil Ali from Egypt (Kings College, London - sponsor B Zebian)
Mohamed Badran from Egypt (St George's, London - sponsor M Hart)
Mohammed Hassan from Egypt (Glasgow - sponsor C Mathieson)

G Bornancin from Brazil (Great Ormond Street - sponsor D Silva)

Mohamed Soliman from Egypt (Glasgow - sponsor C Mathieson)

Jihad Hasanin from Gaza, Palastine (Birmingham - sponsor G Tsermoulas)

Gratian Gwenero from Zimbabwe (Newcastle - sponsor C Nicholson)
Rahul Chhajed from Maharashtra, India (Birmingham - sponsor J Dhir)
Igor Antoci from Moldova (Sheffield -sponsor M Ivanov)
Mostafa Essa from Egypt (Glasgow - sponsor C Mathieson)
Olga Cojocari from Moldova (Sheffield -sponsor M Ivanov)
Stas Doroshenco from Moldova (Sheffield - sponsor S Sinha)
Salman Shaikh from Mumbai (Cambridge - sponsor T Santarius)
Ahmed Mohamed Elbelkasy from Egypt (St George's, London - sponsor E Pereira)
Sanjaya Perera from Sri Lanka (Aberdeen - sponsor P Bhatt) - withdrawn
Siddharth Vankipuram from Mumbai (Liverpool - sponsor K Gilkes)
Chirag Solanki from Gujarat, India (Oxford - sponsor T Aziz)
Andronic Mihai from Moldova (Sheffield- sponsor M Ivanov)
Juan Bosco Gonzales Torres from Nicaragua (Cardiff - sponsor C Hayhurst)
Olga Testemitanu from Moldova (Liverpool - sponsor K Gilkes)
Veekshith Shetty from Bangalore (Aberdeen - sponsor P Bodkin)
Zahid Raihan from Bangladesh (Oxford - sponsor T Aziz)
Altaf Alilghari from Karachi (St George's - sponsor H Marsh)
Taras Mykytyn from the Ukraine (GOS - sponsor H Marsh)
*Tatiana Ojer from Cuba (Oxford - sponsor T Aziz)
*This bursary has been jointly funded by T Aziz and the SBNS
Tran Minh Tri / Dung Quach Tien from Vietnam (Newcastle - sponsor J Nissen)
Rahmon Egamberdiyev from Uzbekistan (Sheffield - sponsor M Ivanov)
Mahmoud Shoaib from Egypt (Cambridge - sponsor R Trivedi)
Nyararai Togarepi from Zimbabwe (Sheffield - sponsor Mr M Ivanov)
Samvel Sargsyan from Armenia (Sheffield - sponsor Mr S Sinha)
Adrian Ndroqi from Albania (St. George's Hospital - Sponsor H Marsh and T Jones)
Plechov Sergei from Russia (Kings College - sponsor C Tolias)
Mohamed Salama (Sheffield - sponsor M Ivanov)
Shikher Shrestha (St George's - sponsor H Marsh)
Ur Koray (St George's - sponsor H Marsh)
Mohammed Suheel (Aberdeen - sponsor P Bhatt)
Le Quan Chi Cuong (Oxford -sponsor R Redfern)
Goktug Akyoldas (St George's - sponsor H Marsh)
Bogdan B?l?nescu (Atkinson Morley - sponsor H Marsh)
Geldon Fejzo (Atkinson Morley - sponsor H Marsh)